Five rights you should know

Before you buy, know your rights!

As a consumer, when you pay for a product or service, be it online or in a shop, in your home country or elsewhere in the EU, you have rights. Many Europeans are unaware of some of their most basic consumer rights. EU law guarantees you fair treatment, proper information and the possibility to claim your rights, if anything goes wrong.

  • Know your rights.
  • Get all the information before buying.
  • Insist on your rights if there is a problem.
 Download the European Commission publication "Five rights you should know"

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Easy to Read

EU report on the implementation of the United Nations Conventionties

The European Parliament, on its own initiative, has drafted a report on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) in the European Union, with special regards to the Concluding Observations of the UN CRPD Committee. MEP Helga Stevens, from the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, is the rapporteur and more than 30 MEPs from several European Parliament Committees are contributing to the report creating a comprehensive overview of the European Parliament’s approach to the implementation of the UN CRPD.

Inclusion Europe is particularly delighted that the European Parliament has decided to produce an Easy-to-Read version of the draft report in order to collect the contributions of persons with intellectual disabilities and their families. This initiative demonstrates an effort to actively involve the disability movement, and consult them in a meaningful way.

We highly encourage you to read, comment, and share this accessible version of the draft report.

Please give us your opinion on this draft report and send us any comment or questions you might have before Tuesday 22 March to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Despite the short time frame, we should not miss this opportunity to give concrete recommendations to MEPs on how the EU can contribute and better promote the rights of persons with disabilities.

Download the Easy-to-Read version of the draft report

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Center for Parent Information and Resources

The Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR) in Newwark, USA, serves as a central resource of information and products to the community of Parent Training Information (PTI) Centers and the Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs), so that they can focus their efforts on serving families of children with disabilities.

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