Learning material on how to implement the “Easy to Read” method to write texts in understandable form for people intellectual disabilities. (IO1)

The Easy to Read learning material consist of a tutorial which describes in detail the creation stages of Easy to Read texts that can be understood by young adults and adults with ID.

The manual has been translated into Greek, Polish and Lithuanian and can be accessed through the respective national sections on the Website.

Easy-to-Read: Material about how to write easy-to-read information


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Innovative applications and their use to support learning by people with intellectual disabilities. (IO2)

Learning materials that present some of the latest developments in the use of digital media technologies for and with people with ID. These materials describe the Multimedia Advocacy process and its application for the production of Easy to Read and Understand information.

The learning material / manual has been translated in Greek, Polish and Lithuanian and can be accessed through the respective national section.

Multimedia Advocacy: Material on Innovative applications of ICT and digital media and their use to support learning by people with intellectual disabilities. 

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Diagnosis of comprehension difficulties of informative texts and texts related to human rights by people with intellectual disabilities in Greece, Poland and Lithuania. (IO3)

Study with adults with ID to research their understanding of basic human rights and their capacity to enjoy these rights in their daily lives (access to health, work, education, security, housing, participation in decision making, citizenship etc.). This study is based on a review of literature on accessibility and human rights for persons with ID and empirical research undertaken in Greece, Poland and Lithuania. Key issues of the empirical research with people with ID include the availability of appropriately accessible information and the capacity of individuals with ID to express their respective needs and aspirations. A research report charts comparative analysis and synthesis of the results, and provides conclusions and recommendations on the implications for information design and production for the effective inclusion of intellectually disabled citizens.

Full Report

Recommendations and Instructions on improving access to information on human rights issues for persons with ID 

Executive Summary of the Report and the Recommendations documents have been translated in Greek, Polish and Lithuanian and can be accessed through the respective national section.

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Online platform for the education of people with intellectual disabilities. (IO4)

The learning platform provides learning materials and sessions plans adapted to match the needs and capabilities of learners with ID.

The Puzzle Course (, a publicly accessible free online course developed under Moodle 3.3 open-source learning platform, can be easily accessed through the site’s main navigation menu. It is fully responsive in order to provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience (i.e. easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling) across a wide range of devices, such as desktop computer monitors, laptops, tables and smartphones.
In addition the specially designed “Our Rights PUZZLE” app, available on Android and Apple Stores at no cost, provides access to some of the Project’s EtU materials on tablets and smartphones. The App can be downloaded here

Online platform for the education of people with intellectual disabilities 


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Informative documents in "easy to read" format and teaching and learning materials on the issues of human rights using the "easy to read" method for persons with intellectual disabilities. (IO5)

Informative resources in Easy to Read and Understand formats on issues of interest for end users with ID that have been identified through the needs assessment research (IO3). Learning materials include resources on human rights (civic and civil rights, labor rights, rights of education, accommodation, social inclusion etc.) designed for - and co-developed with - people with ID.

These informative documents and teaching/learning materials are developed in English, Greek, Polish and Lithuanian and can be accessed through the "Puzzle Resurces > Examples of Human Right Resources" page or the respective national pages  A list of all developed Informative Documents is available here

Informative documents in "easy to read" format and teaching and learning materials on the issues of human rights using the "easy to read" method for persons with intellectual disabilities

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